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Ryder's Cove • Chatham, Massachusetts
Zen Charters
Zen Charters
Captain Jeffrey Craig
USCG Master Captain
While visiting beautiful Chatham, Massachusetts, please join me for a day of spectacular fishing for striped bass, blues or blue fin tuna. The Atlantic Ocean, just to the east of Chatham and the island of Monomoy, continue to be one of the most scenic and productive striped bass, bluefish & blue fin tuna spots on the East Coast. Specializing in light tackle and fly fishing, come experience our world class fishery.
At Zen Charters we offer an amazing charter fishing experience in the pristine waters off Chatham, Massachusetts as well as Ecotours – both whale watches and seal watches. A variety of trips are available for the first time fisherman, the experienced angler and nature lovers! Specializing in light tackle, our endorsement deal with Daiwa provides top of the line gear for all levels. If a fly fishing charter is your game we can accommodate you with fly rods and reels as well as custom tied flies.
We will depart and return from the conveniently located Ryder's Cove in North Chatham. It is a short ride to the fishing grounds, and areas populated by humpback and minke whales that frequent our waters. It is even a shorter trip to view the local seal population that inhabits 3 local areas: Chatham Harbor, the outer beaches of Chatham, and the Monomoy Islands. While on any trip, we may see one of Chatham’s more elusive residents the Great White Shark.

Our boat, Zen, is a stunning 2014 Grady White 271 Canyon. - new to us for 2018 season. We can accommodate up to six people on an Ecotour or a fishing charter, depending upon the style of fishing we choose for that day. My objective is to give you a safe and action packed day either on a nature tour or fishing for striped bass, blues or blue fin tuna.
I hope this website provides you with all the info you need, but if we missed something, please contact me and I will be happy to answer.
Let's go fishing!
Master Captain Jeffrey Craig

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